Actions for net zero
What can a Teacher Investor Pilot Doctor Lawyer Business Owner Journalist ↓
do to help achieve net zero?
1: Get informed
Every sector has a pathway to net zero. Read what your sector can do to lower emissions and achieve net zero.
2: Advocate for change
Push your company, organization or someone you know in an organization you know to set a net zero target and lower emissions now. Follow our checklist to track where the organization is at with achieving net zero.
3: Join a coalition
Work with others in your sector to develop and share net zero innovations and policies. Join a coalition in your sector.
4: Make a change in your own lifestyle
We acknowledge that most change is within a fixed system. Shaming and blaming individuals is not an effective way of mobilizing support towards climate action. However, it can still be empowering and reinforcing of your values to take on more agency in your daily life and demonstrate to others your commitment. Read about the steps you can make to promote a net zero world.
Actions by Career
Don’t see your profession here? Find out more about your sector here.
- Conduct a net zero analysis of your farm and business practices. Calculate your business’ emissions using resources such as the Cool Farm Tool and locate high-emitting areas for improvement.
- Implement sustainable measures that boost efficiency and reduce emissions. Browse our library of net zero farming tools to learn about what changes could help protect your business and the planet.
- Work with local coalitions or farmers’ unions. The climate crisis is already disrupting food chains and farming practices around the world. Work with others to share innovations and advocate for resiliency and adaptation in agriculture. Read about what some coalitions are doing to address the climate crisis and farming here.
- Elevate teaching on the climate crisis and net zero education. Ensure accurate information about the climate emergency is shared in classrooms and advocate for a comprehensive climate curriculum at your own school. Check out publications such as Green Teacher to learn more about sharing climate information with young people.
- Learn about what your school/ college/ university is doing to reduce collective emissions. Browse our tools library to find resources for tracking the net zero journey of your institution and learn about how your institution can create, pledge, and carry out a net zero plan.
- Join together with other motivated teachers. Talk with your co-workers or teachers’ union about how to prioritize net zero in your school. Check out initiatives such as Let’s Go Zero to unite with other schools and work towards net zero schools and universities now.
- Research what your practice/ hospital/ place of work is doing to reduce emissions. Learn what net zero or sustainability measures have been implemented and where your organization might improve. For an overview of greenhouse emissions in healthcare, check out our Healthcare page.
- Work with other doctors and healthcare professionals. The current and future health effects of the climate crisis are well documented. If emissions continue to grow, the strain on our healthcare systems will be unsurmountable. As powerful voices in society, doctors can collectively advocate for stronger responses to the climate emergency both within and outside of the healthcare industry.
Business Owner
- Follow our six-step checklist for achieving net zero within your business and becoming a net zero leader within your sector. Use our tools library to find relevant resources for each step of your journey to net zero.
- Work with others to push your industry closer to net zero. Find more information about your sector and its unique challenges and pathways to achieving net zero on our Sectors page.
- Calculate the emissions estimate for your portfolio. Make sure that Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions are accounted for by using one of the emissions calculators featured in our tools library.
- Implement stronger environmental responsibility principles. Follow the Oxford Martin Principles to ensure that your investments support the global net zero target while still upholding profitable business models.
- Work with other investors. Join a coalition such as the Net Zero Asset Owners Alliance to commit to a net zero portfolio target and pioneer a pathway to global net zero finance.
- Learn about the importance of supporting the net zero movement with quality, science-backed laws. Read about why law is a crucial sector for achieving global net zero on our Law page.
- Donate your time and legal expertise. Share your knowledge of the law with advocacy organizations in need of legal advice. Join groups such as Client Earth to help support the creation and implementation of net zero aligned laws and policies.
- Read about the importance of net zero transport and air travel on our Aviation page. Browse our tools library to explore reports and resources on innovations in the aviation sector around zero and low emission flights.
- Learn about what airlines are doing to address flight emissions. In September of 2020, One World Alliance announced a commitment to reach net zero by 2050. Find out what your airline is doing about the climate crisis and whether you can advocate for stronger net zero aviation policy.
- Boost coverage on the climate crisis and net zero solutions. Even if you don’t typically cover environmental issues or policy, examine how your area of expertise might be affected. Use your platform to share net zero pieces and keep readers informed. Check out our News & Events page to stay up-to-date on leading net zero stories.