Net Zero APPG

All-Party Parliamentary Group


Net Zero APPG 10 Point Action Plan



Net Zero APPG – Capturing and permanently storing carbon dioxide


This Roundtable Session brought together parliamentarians, stakeholders and academics to discuss the role of capturing and permanently storing CO2 in achieving Net Zero. Four presentations were offered alongside the briefing note:

Why capturing and permanently storing CO2 are essential to achieving Net Zero

Myles Allen – Professor of Geosystem Science and Head of the Climate Dynamics Group at the University of Oxford

Slides: NZAPPG_2020_Allen

Carbon TakeBack Obligation – How to Balance CO2 2020-2050

Stuart Haszeldine – Professor of Carbon Capture and Storage at the University of Edinburgh

Slides: NZAPPG_2020_Haszeldine

CCS and Carbon TakeBack in the Netherlands

Margriet Kuijper – Expert on the public acceptance challenges of carbon capture and storage in the Netherlands

Slides: NZAPPG_2020_Kuijper

Removing CO2 from the air is possible … but you do have to pay for it

Tim Kruger – Expert on techniques to remove carbon dioxide from the air – University of Oxford and Origen Power Ltd

Slides: NZAPPG_2020_Kruger

Net Zero APPG – The role of the Land in achieving Net Zero


This Roundtable Session brought together parliamentarians, stakeholders and academics to discuss policy and science issues on what it will mean, and what it will take, to achieve Net Zero. Three University of Oxford academics will lead the debate on the role of land use and agriculture in achieving net zero:

Nature-based Solutions – Promise, Evidence, Challenges

Nathalie Seddon – Professor of Biodiversity and Director of the Nature-based Solutions Initiative, University of Oxford

Slides: NbSforUKMPs – Seddon

Agriculture’s impact on climate: the science, not the headlines

Michelle Cain – Science and Policy Research Associate on the climate impacts of agriculture, University of Oxford

Slides: Agriculture on climate – Cain

Land use and Climate

Michael Obersteiner – Director of the Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford and Senior Research Scholar in Ecosystems Services and Management, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis

Slides: Land use and Climate – Obersteiner