Dennis West
Photo of Dennis West

In 2010, Dennis co-founded Greenings – an independent, non-profit network for cross-sector collaboration. Ever since, his work has bridged different disciplines and areas of systems innovation from policy, law, engineering, and entrepreneurship. He has found a home base in the social sciences, where his main research interests are in organization and governance, spanning across the Oxford Saïd Business School Skoll Centre for Social Entrepreneurship and the Oxford University Centre for Socio-Legal Studies. His current PhD project focuses on the systems dynamics of standardization, and he teaches management and sustainable business at Oxford and the London School of Economics. As the Chair of the Board at Greenings and Research Director of the Valuing Impact Programme, he frequently engages between academia and industry and is invited as a speaker and moderator to sustainable governance and finance-related events. Dennis holds an MSc in Accounting and Organizations from the LSE and an MPhil in Socio-Legal Research from Oxford as well as a BA/MA from his studies in law, economics and business at the EUCOR European Campus of Basel, Strasbourg, and Freiburg.

Photo of Dennis West

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