1.5 degrees:
News & Press
Press Release:
Information for media wishing to attend:
Media who want to attend any part of the conference: ‘1.5 degrees: Meeting the challenges of the Paris Agreement’ should register in advance with Helen Morley, Information and Communications Officer (helen.morley@ouce.ox.ac.uk). There may be opportunites for media interviews with speakers at the 1.5 Degrees conference.
UPDATE: The conference is fully subscribed, and it is standing room only in the main lecture theatre now, however there will be a press lounge in the ARCO building, where the conference will be live streamed and WiFi/powerpoints will be available. The press lounge will be adjacent to where refreshments will be served, so should provide good opportunities for interviewing conference delegates in the breaks.
Trump election casts shadow over COP 22 climate change talks
November 10, 2016
The Financial Times writes on the implications of Trump’s election of President of the United States of America. It mentions that “experts at Oxford university held a conference in September to consider the Paris agreement’s 1.5C goal. It writes that some delegates had a rather somber outlook, quoting Professor Richard Betts as saying that “the very first year at 1.5C could be in about 10 years time if we happen to get an extra warm year on top of the long-term warming trend, like we had with the recent El Niño event.”
Mobilising the research community on 1.5 Degrees
October 26, 2016
In Nature Climate Change’s October editorial, the ECI’s 1.5 Degrees September conference was noted as an example of how “the research community is mobilizing to try to provide a solid scientific foundation for policy discussions around this ambitious aspiration.”
Oceans, Negotiations And Boundaries: Why We Must Keep Global Warming To 1.5 Degrees
October 04, 2016
“Participants at Oxford University’s 1.5 Degrees conference in September agreed that it is hard to underestimate the negative consequences of warming above 1.5 degrees” Katja Garson writes for Huff Post.
Reuters: Climate change could cross key threshold in a decade: scientists
September 21, 2016
Laurie Goering of Thomson Reuters Foundation reports from the 1.5 Degrees conference:
“The planet is already two-thirds of the way to that lower and safer goal [of 1.5c]” she writes, “[and] the planet could pass a key target on world temperature rise in about a decade, prompting accelerating loss of glaciers, steep declines in water availability, worsening land conflicts and deepening poverty.”
Goering’s article is published in The New York Times, Daily Mail, DNA India, Channel News Asia, and The Financial Express.
Guardian: Paris climate goal will be 'difficult if not impossible to hit'
September 21, 2016
Marlowe Hood (Agence France-Presse) reports from the 1.5 Degrees conference on the steep challenge that the Paris Agreement has set the world.
“Top scientists meeting in Oxford this week say they see few scenarios that would meet the Paris target to limit temperature rise to 1.5C,” he writes.
Carbon Brief Highlights: Day two at the 1.5C conference on climate change in Oxford
September 21, 2016
Carbon Brief reports on the second and final full day of the 1.5 Degrees conference.
From Janos Pasztor and Pathways to 1.5C, to the new Director of the Oxford Martin School, Professor Achim Steiner, who gave an “optimistic” closing speech; Carbon Brief curate tweets, quotes and comment to sum up day two.
Simon Bullock sums up 1.5 Degrees on Storify
September 22, 2016
“A monster of a day: complex, daunting, inspiring, overwhelming – and often all in the same session.”
Read Simon Bullocks summing up of the final day of the 1.5 Degrees conference which addressed the question of ‘how we get to 1.5C’.
Carbon Brief Highlights: Day one at the 1.5C conference on climate change in Oxford
September 20, 2016
Carbon Brief rounds up the first day of the 1.5 Degrees Conference at Keble College, organised by the Environmental Change Institute. Featuring top tweets, quotes from keynote speakers, photos and more.
VIDEO: Laurence Tubiana on why the 1.5 Degrees Conference is important
September 19, 2016
“This conference in Oxford is very important for me” keynote speaker, Laurence Tubiana remarked at the 1.5 Degrees public launch on Tuesday evening.
Speaking to Carbon Brief, the French climate ambassador said that policy makers need to know if 1.5 C is just an aspiration, and know what pathways there are to acheive the climate target, agreed at COP-21 in Paris last December.
Carbon Brief gets ready to report from the 1.5 Degrees International Conference in Oxford
September 19, 2016
Ahead of the 1.5 Degrees International Conference, Carbon Brief journalist Roz Pidcock has been talking to climate scientists, economists and public health experts about how the spotlight on 1.5C has changed the way they work.
Is the scientific community rising to the challenge of the Paris Agreement or feeling the pressure, she asks.
Carbon Brief will be at 1.5 Degrees: Meeting the challenges of the Paris Agreement. Watch out for videos and reports at www.carbonbrief.org.
1.5 Degrees on the Today programme, BBC Radio 4
September 19, 2016
“We have to make this something real, not just a nice dream. That is why we need the scientists. We need them to work out the different pathways to getting [to 1.5 Degrees]” – Janos Pasztor, Today Programme, BBC Radio 4
Listen to Janos Pasztor (Senior Advisor to the UN Secretary-General on Climate Change, United Nations ) and Professor Myles Allen (Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford) on BBC Radio 4’s Today programme on the launch day of 1.5 Degrees: Meeting the challenges of the Paris Agreement.
1.5 Degrees Public Lecture tickets on sale | NOW SOLD OUT
August 14, 2016
Some of the big names behind last year’s historic COP-21 climate agreement will come to Oxford to open the 1.5 Degrees International Conference with a Public Lecture on ‘The Paris climate deal: origins, ambitions and implications’.
Booking essential. Go to the University of Oxfords booking page to reserve your ticket today. All proceeds will be donated to Low Carbon Oxford.
UPDATE 19 September: SOLD OUT
Please email events@ouce.ox.ac.uk to put your name on the waiting list.
'The Social Challenge of 1.5 Degrees' Webinar
June 26, 2016
On 22 June 2016 conference partner organistation, Future Earth, has hosted a webinar addressing the ‘The Social Challenge of 1.5 Degrees’.
Karen O’Brien, Susanne Moser, Ioan Fazey and others from Future Earth’s Transformations Knowledge-Action Network discussed mobilising research around the social challenge of a 1.5°C target for climate action.
Laurence Tubiana announced as a 1.5 Degrees' public keynote speaker
June 13, 2016
Laurence Tubiana will join Tony de Brum, Prof Nebojsa Nakicenovic and Pilita Clark for the 1.5 Degrees opening public keynote talks, at Oxford Town Hall on 20 September 2016.
Tubiana, who was the French ambassador for international climate negotiations in connection with the 2015 COP21 Climate Change Conference in Paris, encouraged countries to come up with their own domestic policies to provide for action on climate change. The negotiations, which ended with the ambitious 1.5°C agreement, were hailed as a “shining example of French diplomacy“.
Photo: ‘H.E. Laurence Tubiana, High-level Champion of France’ by UNclimatechange/Flickr [CC.2.0]
UK renewables cuts 'risk slowing shift to clean energy'
June 08, 2016
Push for nuclear and gas over renewables could be more costly in the long term, warns UN’s environment chief, Achim Steiner.
Steiner, who will become Director of the Oxford Martin School and speak at the 1.5 Degrees Conference in Oxford later this year, said that it was “extremely important” that last year’s historic Paris climate deal should be formally ratified and adopted quickly, to send the right signal to businesses.
Paris Agreement prompts climate scientists to call for urgent new experiments to distinguish between global warming at 1.5ºC and 2 ºC
The climate community needs to refocus their research priorities in order to inform on the impacts of a 1.5C warmer world, so concludes a Nature Climate Change paper published on Monday 6 June by the ECI’s Dann Mitchell et al.
Christiana Figueres is the latest COP-21 heavyweight confirmed to attend 1.5 Degrees Conference
May 17, 2016
Christiana Figueres, Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) since 2010, is the latest 1.5 Degrees conference speaker to be confirmed. A key player in the Paris Climate Agreement, Ms Figueres will join other COP-21 and IPCC contributors at the 1.5 Degrees Conference in Oxford this September, along with researchers, policy makers, businesses and members of civil society.
Dubbed the woman who was “tasked to save the world from global warming“, Figueres commented in her TED talk, earlier this year.: “Impossible isn’t a fact, it’s an attitude”.
Tony de Brum confirmed as speaker at 1.5 degrees public keynote talks
April 28, 2016
We are delighted to announce that the Ambassador for Climate Change and former Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of the Marshall Islands, Tony de Brum, will give a keynote speech at Oxford’s 1.5 degrees International Conference on 20 September later this year.
Tony de Brum is proclaimed by Pablo Vieira Samper, Colombia’s deputy environment minister, as being the “brilliant mind” behind the COP-21 ‘High Ambition Coallition’, which acheived a consensus between 106 countries for the 1.5 degree target. The Marshall Islands, where Tony de Brum serves as politician and government minister, are some of the most vulnerable countries to rising sea levels in the world.
1.5 Degrees International Conference features in the Guardian
April 13, 2016
John Vidal reports that the world’s scientists will join forces on major 1.5C climate change report. “Limiting warming to 1.5C will be a significant challenge,” said Myles Allen, Professor of Geosystem Science at Oxford university’s Environmental Change Institute (ECI). “[It raises] big tough questions, and we haven’t much time to answer them, so the academic community needs to step up.”
Call for abstracts and applications to attend
April 17, 2016
Registration to present at and attend the conference is now open.
The online application form will remain open until the end of May 2016.
The Original Climate Solution
April 24, 2016
Justin Adams, Global Managing Director of Lands at The Nature Conservancy writes for HuffPost Green about natural solutions to climate change, mentioning both the IPCC’s forthcoming Special Report and the ECI’s 1.5 degrees International Conference later this September, as important responses to the Paris COP-21 Agreement.
“Understanding the importance of this difference of 0.5 degrees requires a thesis in its own right” he writes “[and] the time for natural solutions is now…[nature is] the original climate solution. We must save nature to save ourselves.”