by George Hope | Aug 9, 2023
Over 130 countries have committed to reaching net-zero CO2 or GHG emissions by 2050, yet this ambition is rarely underpinned by robust policies. By applying a detailed integrated assessment modelling approach for Brazil, we assess, for the first time, the extent to...
by George Hope | Aug 1, 2023
The concept of net-zero carbon emissions has emerged from physical climate science. However, it is operationalized through social, political and economic systems. We identify seven attributes of net zero, which are important to make it a successful framework for...
by George Hope | Aug 1, 2023
The remaining carbon budget for limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius will probably be exhausted within this decade1,2. Carbon debt3 generated thereafter will need to be compensated by net-negative emissions4. However, economic policy instruments to guarantee...
by George Hope | Aug 1, 2023
As climate changes to likely a warmer mean state by the end of this century than any time during the existence of humans, the world population has rapidly increased from about 1.3 billion in 1850 to 8 billion in November 2022. The latest IPCC AR6 reports attests that...
by George Hope | Aug 1, 2023
The Social Cost of Carbon (SCC) is estimated by integrated assessment models (IAM) and is widely used by government agencies to value climate impacts. While there is an ongoing scientific debate about the obtained numerical estimates and related uncertainties,...