Research Fellow in the Social Science of Net Zero

Emily Cox is a Research Fellow in the Social Science of Net Zero, and a researcher on Responsible Innovation and Public Engagement at CO2RE, the UK Greenhouse Gas Removal Hub. She is a social scientist in energy and climate, with expertise in public attitudes and behaviours, risk, resilience, and socio-technical systems. Her research focuses on public perceptions of Carbon Removal techniques. Understanding public attitudes is crucial for the ethical and effective development of new technologies, and Emily’s work aims to enhance public participation in climate innovation. Emily also works as a researcher at Cardiff University in the Understanding Risk Group. Prior to joining Oxford, she worked as a lecturer in Psychology at Cardiff University and taught Energy Policy at the University of Sussex. Emily is based in Bristol (UK) and holds a PhD in Science and Technology Studies.


Carbon Dioxide Removal | Equitable transition | Fellows | School of Geography and the Environment | Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment |