
Global Universities Partnership on Environment for Sustainability

Aug 18, 2020

The Global Universities Partnership on Environment for Sustainability (GUPES) aims to promote the integration of environment and sustainability concerns into teaching, research, community engagement, the management of universities including greening of university infrastructure / facilities / operations, as well as to enhance student engagement and participation in sustainability activities both within and beyond universities.This is done in accordance to the UN Post 2015 Sustainable Development Goals, the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development 2005-14, and the outcome document of the Rio+20 Summit – The Future We Want among others.

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Latest news

Findings from Scope 3 workshops hosted by Oxford Net Zero and Grantham Institute at Imperial College London published
Findings from Scope 3 workshops hosted by Oxford Net Zero and Grantham Institute at Imperial College London published

The Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi) is the largest validator of corporate net-zero targets, representing nearly 40% of the global economy by market capitalisation, through assessment against its Corporate Net Zero Standard. In April ... Read more

Job openings: three new post-doc roles researching net zero aviation (now closed)
Job openings: three new post-doc roles researching net zero aviation (now closed)

The School of Geography and the Environment and the Department of Earth Sciences are recruiting three Post-doctoral Research Associates (PDRAs) to form a cohort of researchers working on net zero aviation. The roles are: Post-Doctoral ... Read more

Oxford Net Zero report assesses the voluntary standards landscape
Oxford Net Zero report assesses the voluntary standards landscape

Oxford Net Zero’s Engagement Team have released a new report today, comprehensively assessing guidance for net zero across 37 different guidance documents, disclosure instruments and assessment frameworks. The team developed more than sixty ... Read more

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