
Climate Commission for UK Higher and Further Education Students & Leaders

Aug 18, 2020

Association of Colleges, EAUC, GuildHE and Universities UK have partnered to establish a Climate Commission for UK Higher and Further Education Students and Leaders. This commission aims move the higher education system in the UK to do several key objectives:

  • Further and higher educational institutions should aim for net-zero Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions for Scope 1 and 2 by 2030, as per IPCC recommendations, as a minimum.
  • There should be significant sector action towards reducing Scope 3 emissions within this timeframe. A first step should be to understand sector Scope 3 emissions and develop a framework that can be used as a basis for understanding the current baseline and establishing a meaningful target that is in line with the ambition set out above.
  • Scope 3 net-zero GHG emissions should be achieved no later than 2050 (or as per devolved Government targets).


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