Net Zero pledges by countries, cities and organizations are now omnipresent. How can these commitments be operationalised in a credible, fair and effective manner? At this event hosted by Kellogg College, we will take a closer look at the meaning and operationalization of Net Zero, before diving more deeply into the politics of Net Zero in countries of the Global South, as well as asking how Net Zero can be achieved within Oxford Colleges.
Wednesday 14 February 2024, 17:30-18:30, Kellogg College. Register here.
· Samuel Fankhauser, Research Director of Oxford Net Zero and Professor of Climate Change Economics and Policy, Smith School and the School of Geography and the Environment
· Jessica Omukuti, Research Fellow on Inclusive Net Zero, Oxford Net Zero and Institute of Science Innovation and Technology (InSIS)
· Fatima Benkhaled, Oxford Net Zero and St. John’s College
· Johanna Arlinghaus, Postdoctoral Research Associate, CO2RE Hub and Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment (moderator)
This is an in-person event, free and open to all.
Refreshments will be served from 5pm in the Kellogg Hub, followed by the talk at 5.30pm and there will be a drinks reception after the event.
This event will be photographed and filmed. If you do not wish to appear in the photographs/footage, please let the photographer/videographer know.
Should you have any further queries, or be unable to attend after booking, please contact